Falcon LH

Built 1882    A. G. Gifford & Co Ltd, Leith Edinburgh    (Wood)
Yard No  
Owner at New Scottish Steam Fishing & Shipping Co Ltd, Edinburgh
ID no 84949
Launch Date 29.08.1882
Completed 10.1882
Gross Tons 91
Nett Tons 29 
Engine 35 hp C.2-cyl  by John Cran & Co Ltd, Leith Edinburgh
Length 87ft
Breadth 18.4ft
Depth 9.1ft
1882 Registered at Leith
17.06.1885 Advertised for sale by private bargain in the Scotsman.
1885 Scottish Steam Fishing & Shipping Co Ltd, Edinburgh dissolved.
1885 Owned by Ignacio Mercader & Sons, San Sebastian Spain.
22.09.1885 Sailed Leith for San Sebastian, Spain in company with "Kestrel" & "Hawk".
1885 Leith registry closed.
1885 Registered at San Sebastian.